Inspect what you expect

 πŸ§ Inspect what you expect.

That’s what my ex boss taught us. And this has served me well over time as what I inspect is typically different from expected. Sometimes it’s not significant, but sometimes it’s very material.

But inspecting takes a lot of time. So how do we decide when to inspect and when to trust and let go?

Usually, I use these 3 tips to make a call :

⚡️ Impact
What’s the impact or consequence if the outcome is different from expected? Will there be regulatory consequences? Will there be monetary consequences to business, customer or to our employees?

⏰ Timing
Is there sufficient time to inspect? If not, how to sample to have sufficient assurance?

πŸͺ¨ Reliability
Who prepared the work? Is the person experienced and usually delivers a high standard of work? Is the person usually detailed and reliable?

Find these tips helpful? Click on the πŸ”” on my profile to follow all my posts.

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