Conflicting info

Doing tax refunds in Korea is quite different as some self help is involved. 

Our tour guide had kindly provided the step by step on how to claim during the machines pre departure and collect cash past the immigration, and was fairly confident that we could check in my luggage with those purchased items.

But the driver for the airport transfer told me to better take those items out for checking instead. 

For good measure, I tried to double check with the airport concierge to confirm. She told me I could get the boarding pass without checking in the luggage first, and go to the tax refund counter for the bag check, where there’s a bag drop too. 

In the end, I did what the airport concierge suggested but actually the tour guide was right. I could have checked in directly if all the scan receipts show circles instead of crosses. 

Learning : It’s good to cross check with multiple sources for an unfamiliar process, especially if facts seem conflicting. However, one should give more weight to the one most experienced in that field as not all opinions are equal.

#learning #tipoftheday #korea #personaldevelopment #jenelim


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